Chaos group

Phoenix for 3ds Max

Chaos® Phoenix is an all-in one solution for fluid dynamics. Simulate fire, smoke, liquids, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist and more

Built for 3D artists who want to create dynamic FX using quick presets, fast setup and intuitive controls.

Built for 3D artists who want to create dynamic FX using quick presets, fast setup and intuitive controls.

Added Phoenix operators for thinkingParticles, and options to emit fluid via Phoenix sources from thinkingParticles geometries

Chaos group

Phoenix for for Maya

Create all types of physically-based fluid effects with fast, flexible controls for rendering, retiming and refining simulations.

Integrated seamlessly into 3ds Max and optimized to render with Chaos V-Ray®

Compatible with top industry tools such as OpenVDB, Alembic, Krakatoa and thinkingParticles.

Float your objects over pools or wash them away in floods with basic rigid body simulation for Phoenix liquids. Interaction between Active Bodies is coming soon.